According to the Kaiser Family Foundation and Kaiser Health, over half of the states in the nation require a woman to get an ultrasound procedure done before getting an abortion. Although Illinois is not a state that requires it, most health professionals strongly encourage it, including Ridgeway Women’s Clinic.

Why, might be a question running through your head at the moment. There are several reasons to get an ultrasound other than the fact that it is required in most states. Here are some of the reasons why:

  • To confirm the viability of your pregnancy.
    We have had many women come into our clinic who have taken a pregnancy test that came back positive only to find out, during the ultrasound, that the fetal heartbeat is not detectable. Meaning, your body is gearing up for a miscarriage. In other cases, the RDMS or the Nurse conducting the ultrasound may also find that your pregnancy is in the wrong spot. Meaning, your pregnancy may be short-lived.
  • To determine the week of pregnancy.
    Depending on each woman’s situation, you may find yourself unsure of how far along you are. Maybe you have irregular periods, you’ve been on birth control, or you have multiple partners. To know what your next step should be, you will need to determine how far along you are in your pregnancy. If you’re considering abortion, there are different abortions available for different stages of pregnancy. 
  • To eliminate harm to the mother.
     According to the Mayo Clinican ectopic pregnancy can’t proceed normally. The fertilized egg can’t survive, and the growing tissue may cause life-threatening bleeding if left untreated. An ultrasound can detect if your pregnancy is ectopic. If you have an ectopic pregnancy, you will need to seek immediate medical assistance. Although not common, and ectopic pregnancy can be fatal if precautions are not sought out. 
  • To rule out a miscarriage.
    According to March of Dimesas many as half of all pregnancies may end in miscarriage. Before you consider or seek out an abortion, it is wise to make sure your body is not miscarrying. If your body discharges the fetus on its own, you will not need to get an abortion.
  • To make sure how many fetuses you are carrying.
    You could go in for an ultrasound procedure and find out that you’re carrying twins. If you’re considering an abortion, whether you’re carrying one or two’ fetuses will be something you need to know. 

If you believe you could be pregnant, you’re not alone. We are your first step in the decision-making process. Make an appointment today for a lab-quality pregnancy test, an ultrasound, and to meet with our patient care team to answer all your questions. Call or text Ridgeway Women’s Clinic at 815-261-9960 to schedule a free and confidential appointment and get the answers you need.
