How Can I Recover Emotionally After an Abortion?

Post-abortion experiences vary from woman to woman. Sometimes they feel grief, loss, or numbness, but there is not a normal way to feel since every woman is different. Regardless of your particular journey and how you feel after your abortion, you are not alone in your struggle. While what you may feel is unpredictable, some

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3 Things Needed Before Abortion

Anxiety or uncertainty is normal if you are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. If you’re considering an abortion, but are unsure of the steps to take, read this article for recommended health screenings to protect yourself as you decide if an abortion is the best option. Pregnancy Testing If you have been relying on timing

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Is Adoption or Abortion Right for Me?

When facing an unplanned pregnancy, choosing the right option is never easy. You can decide to parent, adopt, or terminate the pregnancy; each has unique factors to consider.  If you already know that being a parent is not an option for you right now, read this article to understand the possibilities of abortion and adoption

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